can people still see your pictures if they're on the public setting? or if your profile is private on myspace can people not see your pictures even if they're on public setting?
So if your profile is private on myspace?pimp myspace
If you have your picture set to DEFAULT [profile picture]
and your myspace is set to privet....people who aren't your friends can still see that PROFILE PICTURE but a box underneath it will say
[so they can see that picture, but nothing of your profile till they've added you and you have accepted them]
Also I'm very sure they can't see your photos if they're on public, if your profile is private and they haven't added you. Though just in case you're worried go to UPLOAD/CHANGE PHOTOS and set it to "friends" =]
So if your profile is private on myspace?stars myspace
They cannot see your pictures if your profile is set to private until you add them as a friend. They can see your pictures if set to public and they have a myspace account.
If you are set private and people are not added as your friend no one can see your pictures/profile. If you add people as a friend you can choose to have your pictures private or public, this can be viewed by friends only. Go under Myspace settings.
it onley maters that you have your profile set to private because that way no one but your friends will be able to see your pictures.
people can't see your pictures as long as your profile is set to private, it will only allow non friend to see your default, if your profile is set to public then and your album is set to everyone then yes they will be able to see your pictures
No, as there is no link to your pictures.
However if smartarses (like me! :P) know the url to view a persons pictures without clicking the link, a message will come up saying:
This profile is set to private. This user must add
you as a friend to see his/her profile.
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